Friday, 13 September 2019

Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps September Release day 3

Hi Friends and welcome back for day 3 of the 
September 2019 release over at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps!
The moment I saw this set, I just HAD to have it...its called
Check out these sweet elves, reindeer and SANTA of course! So many fun accessory stamps....presents, snowflakes, candy canes, stars!! Plus several magical sentiments!

Be sure to hop along and see more creations from the rest of the design team 


  1. great beard coloring... you amaze me

  2. Hi! Stephen! I have a huge coup de coeur for your cards. C&S kind of scared me...I will be more and inspired in the future...
    Love the color gradiant in the BGs, brings out the little characters soooo nicely!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. THESE ARE GREAT! Love the inky background strip and great coloring!

  4. Your backgrounds are always awesome.
